we’re swimming in babies

Let the season begin!

Bartlett & Lake are on the move! Bartlett has mastered his crawl and twist, to sit, to stand. He is fast and always scanning his area for new things to explore. Lake is crawling and not as sure on his feet. He loves to bounce on our laps and has recently discovered how fast he can move. He is very observant and loves music. They will be one on June 12. I'm stunned at how fast this year has moved along.

The goslings and chicks arrived this week and are snug in their brooders. The cool temperatures this week are unfortunate but not a deal breaker. We choose to start our chickens and waterfowl later in the Spring due to the (usually) more mild weather. As we took last year off from raising poultry, we're excited to be jumping right back in. We missed raising food for people, but it was nice to be able to focus on having Bartlett & Lake, as well as resting and recovering from their birth. Life is short and the journey is awe inspiring. Keith and I recognize this more than ever since loosing our daughter Josie three years ago. We're trying to prioritize and balance all the work and "life things"... if you have this figured out, let us know!

In other exciting news, the farm stand project is well underway! The timber frame is up and we are beginning to frame it. Keith will be working on the roof this weekend. My Grandfather is helping with windows and the door!

While the farm stand is still being built, we have set up shop on the porch! We have a small offering of products from some of the best Vermont farms and makers. When the farm stand moves out to the timber frame, we will have a larger and more broad offering of products. Please let us know what you would like us to offer. Our goal is to increase the availability and convenience of local food! The farm stand is open during day light hours.

Currently available in the farm stand:

Coho Salmon
Bean Burgers
Goat roasts & chops
Goat offal

Duck eggs
Chicken eggs
Mozzarella cheese
Cheddar cheese
Harbison cheese
Local greens
Hot sauce

We also have a few packs of Pansies, just waiting to be planted in your pots or gardens! These dainty beauties bring delight and medicinal benefits to salads and tables lined with family and friends. Viola flowers are also used for teas.

If you haven't signed up for your CSA or reserved your holiday goose, don't panic. We're giving you one last chance! Sign up now! If a CSA doesn't work for you, we will have our chicken, duck, and goose available in the farm stand!

New sweatshirts and t-shirts are stocked in the online shop! I am also happy to share that I have collaborated with a friend in Montana to make earrings from our poultry feathers. Nothing goes to waste, we use the whole animal. These are available on the website, too.

We hope to see you soon.

In community,
Lisa, Keith, Bartlett & Lake


we’ve been at this for 9 seasons!